His Heart for Haiti

Giving Hope Through Child Sponsorship

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First Visitors!

We have been blessed with two groups of visitors in one month!

Over Thanksgiving we were happy to have visiting Jason, Gwen & Noah Riggenbach, long-time, close friends from our home church in Smithville, Ohio. We were so thankful that our “guest room” (Grant’s room) was ready just in time for their arrival…the beds we had shipped in July arrived the week before they did!

The Riggenbachs got to meet the banana lady!

The Riggenbach’s got to meet our banana lady!

We enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner with over 120 other missionaries who were all far from their families.

We enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner with over 120 other missionaries who were all far from their families.

The Riggenbachs got into the annual missionary Thanksgiving photo too!

The Riggenbach’s got into the annual missionary Thanksgiving photo too! (I spy them left rear!)

We had great weather and many good times as we showed them all around the area and some of what we do here. They were such good sports and Gwen even agreed to cross a river on foot…twice! Our Thanksgiving season was blessed by their support and encouraging words. That wasn’t all they brought us…their suitcases were stuffed with some requested items as well as extra goodies! They got to meet their sponsored child Nathanael, his family, his home…and also attend his church on Sunday morning!

We did a lot of touring on the Ranger together!

We did a lot of touring on the Ranger together!

Visiting needy families and sharing food and hope with them was a special time spent together.

Visiting needy families and sharing food and prayer with them was a special time.

One hike took us across a riverbed. Some took their shoes off, some did not!

One hike took us across a riverbed. Some took their shoes off, some did not!

We only had six short days together to catch up!

We only had six short days together to catch up!

Another meal together...this time on the beach at Port Salut!

Another meal together…this time on the beach at Port Salut!

An enjoyable shopping spree at the Domestic Center!

An enjoyable shopping spree at the Domestic Center!

Meeting Nathanael, their sponsored child (seated at right) was a highlight of the trip!

Meeting Nathanael, their sponsored child (seated at right) was a highlight of the trip!

Now we have so many good memories...thanks for your encouraging visit!

Now we have so many good memories…thanks for your encouraging visit!

The second group of visitors arrived here last week with Evan! We were excited to see our son again! We warmly welcomed our dear friend Joe Smith and the four third-year nursing students from Malone University in Canton, Ohio, that came with Evan for some international nursing experience…Natalie, Margeau, Grace and Corrina. We squeezed in two beach days and lots of fun between all the valuable Haitian clinical experiences they received.

Enjoying coconuts and sugarcane! Left to right: Evan, Joe, Grant, Natalie, Margeau, Corrina & Grace.

Trying coconut and sugarcane for the first time! Left to right: Sugarcane vendor, Evan, Joe, Grant, Wilson (tree climber), Natalie, Margeau, Corrina & Grace.

Joe stayed with us and was ready to try many new experiences!

Joe stayed with us (the girls at the guest house) and was ready to try many new experiences!

The team assisted the nursing staff four mornings and had a great time!

The team assisted the Simon Clinic nursing staff four mornings and had a great time!

Natalie, hard at work giving blood pressure checks at the community clinic the team held for three days!

Natalie, hard at work giving blood pressure checks at the community clinic the team held for three days!

The team showered love and attention on many from the Bambou MEBSH church, as well as the translators that helped them each day!

The team served many from the Bambou MEBSH church…with the assistance of translators of course!

Joe was a real hit with the kids!

Joe was a real hit with the kids!

Natalie meeting her family's sponsored child, Jenny, for the first time!

Natalie meeting her family’s sponsored child, Jenny, for the first time!

We can never underestimate  how sharing love and hope with one child can change their life!

We can never underestimate how sharing love and hope with one child can change their life!

Sharing a pillowcase dress with one thrilled little girl!

Sharing a pillowcase dress with one thrilled little girl!

Stopping to visit some families while hiking!

Stopping to visit some families while hiking!

They guys are so excited to show Joe Rainbow Beach!

They guys were so excited to show Joe Rainbow Beach!

They squeezed in one more hiking trip on the last day!

They squeezed in one more hiking trip on the last day!

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Tales of Trinity

Trinity has loved Haiti since the day we arrived. We weren’t surprised by that, but she didn’t get to visit even once before we moved here (same for Grant and Grace)! We are very encouraged by her attitude and the ways she has adapted to the culture and language while having to leave school, family and friends, and switch to home schooling and being at home a good part of each day! The girl has learned a lot about self-motivation in a short time [understatement!].

A neighborhood girl came asking for a sponsor and ended up getting both a sponsor and a regular Bible study with Trinity!

A neighborhood girl came asking for a sponsor and ended up getting that, as well as English and Bible training with Trinity!

Trinity loves the Haitian people, the young group, Bible study, sharing the gospel, the ocean, and making new friends. She points out the beauties around us…trees, sunsets, butterflies, etc. She has remained athletic, playing basketball and volleyball every week with the missionaries, and hiking is another highlight she enjoys. She also enjoys tutoring other children and helping teach English.

Attending the Friday Bible study together.

Attending the Friday Bible study together.

A great shot of Haitians sharing God's Word together!

A great shot of Haitians sharing God’s Word together!

Life doesn't stop just because of poverty.

Getting to see and hold Haitian babies is really awesome!

Nearly every Saturday, Trinity enjoys interacting with the Haitians in a small group setting at the nearby American University of the Caribbean’s conversation club. For two hours each one that comes is encouraged to speak to improve their English, and usually we try to steer the conversations to spiritual topics and the Bible. There have been many opportunities to share the gospel. Often we are put on the hot seat when they start asking questions. This has really encouraged Trinity in her walk with the Lord to lean on the Holy Spirit for words to speak.

In addition to the girl in the first photo, Trinity met another friend at the conversation club that also comes to our house once a week for English/Bible study.

The English conversation club is one of Trinity's favorite parts of the week.

The English conversation club is one of Trinity’s favorite parts of the week.

Trinity and Bree are growing in the Word together and sharing the gospel with a new friend at the same time.

Trinity and Bri sharing a Bible study with a new friend, Kenfleur.

Trinity loves drawing, painting and card making. She suggested (and will help produce) the Christmas craft for Grace’s 3rd grade class. She really enjoys the beauty of the many things in Haiti that are so different from what she was familiar with in Ohio.

Visiting local friends with American visitors!

Visiting local widows with some American visitors!

Trinity enjoys visiting several local orphanages.

Trinity enjoys visiting several local orphanages.

The Domestic Center is always a favorite stop for the girls!

The Domestic Center is always a favorite stop for the girls!

Here we are standing on a hill so Trinity looks very tall and Grant looks very short! :)

We are standing on a slight hill here (so Trinity looks very tall and Grant looks very short!)

One of Trinity's favorite nearby hiking spots!

One of Trinity’s favorite nearby hiking spots!

One of Trinity's favorite beaches is in Port Salut.

One of Trinity’s favorite beaches is in Port Salut.

Another photo she took of the beach at Port Salut.

Another photo she took of the beach at Port Salut.

Trinity is able to look at things from different angles to discover beauty!

Trinity is able to look at things from different angles to discover beauty!