His Heart for Haiti

Giving Hope Through Child Sponsorship


Visitors and Ministry Updates!


Guess who we recently found doing dishes…Evan and Grant!

It was great to have they guys here for a week! Never long enough!

Jeremy Schar was our special guest who came with them! We had such a great time!

They guys hiked, swam, and enjoyed time with their Haitian friends too!

Traveling to and from the airport is always an adventure!

A huge gathering for a special Wed. night farewell for several missionary families!

The deaf school where Mike helps teach a Bible study most Saturdays!

Displaying the Bible curriculum materials we will start using in MEBSH and HCH schools this Fall!

Presenting the Salvation Study to many MEBSH administrators and teachers!

Teaching and training on salvation at the HCH schools as well!

Seminars on evangelism training continues! Trinity is leading a witnessing example in Creole!

The 2017 Missionary Retreat at Coby Beach!

The servers we have gotten to know at the resort!

Grace’s former teacher, Mrs. Ferris, came from Texas to help teach Bible School at the retreat!

Spending time with friends at the resort pool!

The rainbow is always a reminder of God’s promises.  He is faithful!