His Heart for Haiti

Giving Hope Through Child Sponsorship

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Unexpected Sabbatical!


Flying to Port on a Mission Aviation Flight (MAF).

As the unrest in Haiti continued to rise, most of the schools we work in closed and our Child Sponsorship office also closed for many weeks in a row. (Weeks later it is still dangerous for schools to operate or the office to open to the public for fear of being targeted by violence.) The missionary school where Trinity was teaching in Bonne Fin was also halted in Bonne Fin when the families there transitioned back to the States. We realized we had more to take care of in the U.S. than in Haiti, and the door opened for our return.

We stopped for a short break in Florida and Illinois, then we settled back into the Hartzler’s basement in Ohio where we stay in the summers. Trinity and Grace have loved seeing the seasons change; first the leaves and now the first fallen snow! We are feeling blessed to have more time with Grant and also Susie’s parents and family.

With the colder weather keeping us inside, we are finally finding time to work on several new Bible studies for sharing in Haiti. This unexpected break has turned into such a gift to allow us to prepare these studies, as well as make other future plans.


The 45 min. flight is such a gift compared to the usual 4-5 hour drive!


A short stay in Florida!


Change of scenery!


Our back entrance door! Patios for Patriots just gave this new patio to veteran Stan Hartzler!


We were glad to be present for the big “reveal” when the patio was presented to Stan!


It has been six years since Grace experienced this!


First snow of the season!


Precious quality time with our parents!