His Heart for Haiti

Giving Hope Through Child Sponsorship


Always Abounding?

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:5

We are thankful to serve a God who is a great rewarder, whose strength is made perfect in our weakness. We see how overwhelming things can look in a hurry here in Haiti, but God teaches us to keep loving and serving one at a time. Maybe abounding isn’t always measured in amounts accomplished, but in our attitude and capacity to love our neighbor as ourselves!

Retreat! Last month we had the opportunity to go to our annual missionary retreat for an extended weekend. It was held at a resort on the coast north of Port-au-Prince. We got to study the book of Colossians, go snorkeling, and enjoy the pool some…and it wasn’t excessively hot. Although “retreating” isn’t a good practice for a Christian, Jesus sometimes urged his disciples to come apart and rest awhile. So we should too!

The missionary retreat is held at Kaliko Bay.

The missionary retreat is held at Kaliko Beach.

In front of our cabin on the beach!

Posing in front of our cabin on the beach!

Enjoying a retreat meal with friends Lance & Ronda and Ronda's daughter, Kailie (Mrs. Meier who is Grace's substitute teacher!)

Enjoying a retreat meal with friends Lance & Ronda and Ronda’s daughter, Kailie (Mrs. Meier, Grace’s substitute teacher, sitting next to Trinity!)

Leaving shore on our snorkeling expedition!

Leaving shore on our snorkeling expedition!

A German missionary had an underwater camera!

A German missionary brought his underwater camera along!

The underwater camera captured a lot of big fish down there!

The underwater camera captured a lot of big fish down there! Would you say they look like clown fish?

The kids presented a short program at the conclusion of their Bible School.

The kids presented a short musical program at the conclusion of their Bible School.

The kids loved eating their meals together and then going off in a hurry to ride ripsticks!

The kids loved eating their meals together and then rushing off in a hurry to ride their ripsticks!

Newborn! This past weekend we had the excitement of holding a new baby again as our cook, Madam Yadley, had her third child! She was only in the hospital a few hours before returning home, and she was up and walking around when we visited the next day! She named her baby girl Bessakina (though all we can usually remember is the Bess part).

Our cook's happy (and growing) family!

Our cook’s happy (and growing) family!

The baby was still to exhausted to care who was holding her!

The baby was still too exhausted to care who was holding her!

A new soul came into the world and into our lives yesterday! Baby Bessakina is the new blessing!

Madam Yadley told me this is my baby too! (Mike says that probably just means I will be paying to raise her.)

Strong trees grow slow! There aren’t too many large trees left in Haiti as much of the country has been deforested. The large Mapu trees that have been left standing are associated with evil spirits. There are several Mapu trees along the road to Bonne Fin that we often admire as we drive by. Standing Grace in front of one gives you an idea how massive it is! It looks like she could crawl right in that hole above her! The saying “strong trees grow slow” makes me think of the way God works character into our lives. He isn’t in a hurry, but He has a plan!

The branches of this massive Mapu tree are thicker than most trees!

The branches of this massive Mapu tree are thicker than most trees! We could only get the bottom half of the tree in the photo!


Mr. Grant

These orphans enjoy their weekly English class with Grant!

These orphans enjoy their weekly English class with Grant!

Grant is in his second semester at Liberty University Online. He has been enjoying his education classes and praying about his future meanwhile. He has had some unique teaching opportunities come his way recently which we would like to share.

Calls of “Mr. Grant, Mr. Grant!” are heard every Friday at the Cite Lumiere Christian School as Grant is the P.E. teacher for the entire school from 11:00 to 1:00. Even Grace has been advancing her volleyball skills with the help of her brother! The weekly newsletter from her teacher always lists the special classes each week. Notice the last line:


Monday: French at 8:45.  Library at 12:15

Tuesday: Reading Buddies- Grace, Ellie, Joanna

Wednesday: none

Thursday: French at 8:45

Friday: PE with Mr. Grant at 11:30-12:10

Grant has been willing to teach English to many individual friends since he moved here, but recently he has been teaching a group of girls at a nearby orphanage every week as well as another group of older boys. He will soon start teaching English to a Haitian girl several times a week who is living nearby with another missionary. She is in the process of being adopted and needs to learn English before moving to the U.S. to join her new family. Many of these teaching situations give him the opportunity to share the gospel or encourage new life in Christ.

Grant really enjoys interacting with kids and always asks to go along on Child Sponsorship school visits when he hears we have another one planned. The last trip involved a 1-1/2 hour climb around two mountains to reach a remote school. Trust me, he was the one leading the way!

Real life teaching experiences are enhancing book (his online classes require books!) learning.

Real life teaching experiences are enhancing book learning (his online classes do require books!).

These boys need to learn English, but they also need to learn Christ!

These boys need to learn English, but they also need to learn Christ!

"Mr. Grant" teaching volleyball in front of the Cite Lumiere Christian School!

“Mr. Grant” teaching volleyball in front of the Cite Lumiere Christian School!

Most days Grace likes having her brother as a teacher...

Most days Grace likes having her brother as a teacher…

Grant celebrated his latest birthday with a custom cake made be friend, Mark Gutwein!

Grant celebrated his birthday recently with a custom cake made by friend, Mark Gutwein!