His Heart for Haiti

Giving Hope Through Child Sponsorship

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Lots of Updates!

Grant has a group of boys working hard on a new project, a half-acre garden!

Grant has a group of guys working hard on a new project, a half-acre garden!

Grant’s Garden is Growing!
Grant has gotten himself into quite a project this Spring. He was thinking for a long time how he could help a lot of his friends find work and make money instead of sitting around with nothing to do. He came up with the idea to start a big garden so at the end of the season his friends could split the profits. Of course that depends…if it rains…if there is a crop…if the marauding chickens don’t eat everything off first…if people don’t steal it all… The list of threats could go on and on, but that didn’t stop him from trying.

After getting lots of advice, Grant hired a tractor to till up the ground, installed a fence and a gate to mark the property and then decided to dig a deep hole that serves as a well. Almost every morning we hear Grant get up early and head out with the guys! He has never really gardened before so this has truly been a real learning curve for him. Enjoy the photos!

Grant has eight boys hard at work on their community project, a half acre garden!

Here are the guys busy watering the newly emerging plants!

This week it will be all planted and it is neat as a pin!

All the peppers will soon be planted!

This photo shows how much sweat went into digging deep furrows!

This photo shows how much sweat went into digging the deep furrows!

The cucumbers are happy in their soft bed of grass!

The cucumbers are happy in their soft bed of grass!

The tomatoes were transplanted from their boxes recently.

The tomatoes were recently transplanted from their boxes and are growing fast!

The radishes are looking good!

The beets are looking good!

Here's a view of the garden in the distance. There are many other gardens all around it!

Here’s a view of the garden in the distance. There are many other gardens all around it!

Some more of the guys on Sunday before church!

Here are more of the garden workers before church on Sunday!

Grant and some friends are in the back of the truck ahead as we cross a river.

Grant and some friends are in the back of the truck ahead as we cross a river.

Prayers answered for Ricardine!
Yes, God is faithful! We rejoice to report that a sponsor for Ricardine’s education has responded to help with that need, and she is now off the street and staying temporarily with some relatives. She met Tim Reinhard last week while he was visiting so she certainly found the right person to really help. She is enjoying weekly Bible studies with Trinity and we continue to work to help her integrate into a local church. Isn’t God good? Thanks for your continued prayers.

Susie has returned!
I returned after spending over six weeks in Ohio caring for my parents and helping them through some medical issues. It was bittersweet as it was hard to leave Evan and my parents but I was excited to go back to my sweetheart, Mike and my other kids: Grant, Trinity, and Grace. We can’t wait for Evan to join us in a few weeks in Haiti so we can be all together again as a family! We are glad things are going a little better for them and we will be returning in a few months to assist them some more.

Susie recently had extended time to assist her parents in Ohio.

It was a blessing and a gift to serve my parents and be their caregiver. So grateful for the memories of the weeks together. God is good! 

Special thanks to each of you who came alongside me with your lovingkindness, your encouragement, and all your support while I was in the States. I especially appreciate your many prayers for my parents during this difficult time in their lives, and for the many prayers for my sisters and I. My sister, Monica, and I worked closely together and she was a huge asset to have there!


We were so thankful that our mom finally received her full back brace the day before I left for Haiti. 

Evan was glad to have his Mom around for a while!

Evan was glad to have his Mom around for a while! We sure enjoyed our time together. It was an unexpected gift!

Heading back to Haiti with some familiar faces!

Heading back to Haiti with some familiar faces!

A little roadblock excitement held them up over an hour!

A little roadblock excitement held us up an hour and a half!

Construction gets under way!
Mike has enjoyed helping Loumy & Adline Cameus plan their new home up on top of a hill just north of Simon. This is the first all-concrete house he has designed so it was a bit of a learning curve. (Loumy & Adline operate HCH, Help a Child in Haiti, the agency which many of your sponsored children are sponsored through.)

The house is on top of a hill with views of the mountains all around!

The house is situated on top of a hill with views of the mountains all around! This is the side view; there are walk-out rooms to the back under the back porch.

Susie and Adline going to inspect the recent load of block.

Susie and Adline going to inspect the recent load of block.

Most of the rooms have windows on two walls for great air flow. It is being built in the traditional Haitian manner: stone foundation filled with crushed rock, steel rods inserted into concrete pillars and block walls between the pillars. It is nice to see it coming together.

Cameus final 3